
As a Miami real estate professional, I am asked a lot of the same questions on various topics.  下面,你会发现最常见问题的答案列表. 我相信你会发现这些答案非常有用, 尤其是当你买卖迈阿密的房子或公寓时.


  • 迈阿密的365app买家不支付佣金.  在几乎所有的交易中,卖方都支付佣金.  这同样适用于房东支付佣金的租客.


  • 迈阿密和迈阿密海滩是两个不同的城市,位于两个不同的位置.  Miami is on the mainland of Florida, and Miami Beach is an island 2 miles east of Miami.  迈阿密没有海滩.  海滩位于迈阿密海滩.
  • 南海滩不是一座城市.  除了一个勒布朗“将把他的天赋带到”的地方, 南海滩 是迈阿密海滩第五街和第二十三街之间的一个区域的昵称.


  • A buyer’s closing costs are going to be approximately 1%-3% of the purchase price. This number will vary depending on whether or 不 you are paying cash or financing your purchase.
  • 物业检查不是必需的,但强烈建议.  The cost is approximately $200-$800 (depending on property size) for an inspection, 为了内心的平静,这是一个小小的代价吗.
  • 卖方支付契据记录的印花税,而不是买方.


  • 不像一些州, the laws governing the relationship between a Landlord and a Tenant in Florida are statutory.  请参阅 佛罗里达州住宅业主和租户法案 这是第83章第6篇,第二部分,第83条.40 – § 83.682.

现金和. 融资:  

  • 你会 能够获得一些迈阿密公寓的融资, 不管你的信用评分或收入如何, 根据房利美指导方针. 365app 以获得更深入的解释.
  • You can不 always depend on a pre-approval letter when financing a condo in Miami.
  • 在迈阿密,现金并不总是为王. 因为迈阿密365app市场的现金买家非常多, a cash offer does 不 necessarily give a buyer more leverage in negotiating sales price.


  • 没有绝对的方法可以在交易结束前计算财产税, regardless of what the current owner is paying; however, 在迈阿密戴德县, 估计房产税的经验法则大约是1.购买价的75%.


  • Monthly maintenance fees on a condo are calculated based on the square footage of the livable area or area “under A/C,意思是在空调下.  永远不要用露台空间来计算平方英尺.  此外,当你搬到更高的楼层时,维护费也不会改变.  它完全是基于每平方英尺的固定价格. 例如, if you have a condo on the 8th floor and a condo on the 48th floor of the same building, 两套公寓的每平方英尺维护费将完全相同.
  • When looking at asking price per square foot or comparable sales price per square foot, 一定要确保在空调起居面积下使用.
  • Use caution when purchasing a 2-story loft-style condo as developers usually count the “air space” above the living room in their floorplan when quoting square footage of living area.


  • Nearly all Miami condos that include a parking space include assigned parking, 非契约停车, meaning the space is assigned to you and controlled by the condominium association.  This means that you can不 just purchase or sell parking spaces in a condo building. 进一步, assigned parking spaces are owned by the respective condo association and assigned to individual owners, which technically means the condo association could change an owner’s parking space in a building to a different space, 尽管这种情况很少发生. So, what could happen and why should you be knowledgeable about this…when you are selling or buying a condo, the condo rider of a purchase agreement asks for a specific parking space number(s) for the respective condo being sold. Most real estate agents input a specific parking space number, but this should 完成吧,原因如下. If a specific parking space number is entered in the condo rider to a purchase contract for someone buying a condo, 但是共管公寓协会, 不管出于什么原因, changes the parking space number between the execution of the contract and the closing of the condo, 可能会出现问题. 例如, “John” is buying a condo from “Susie” and John’s agent inputs in the condo rider to the purchase agreement that John is purchasing the condo with parking space #222 because that was the space assigned to Susie. But, before John closes on the unit, the condo association changes the parking space to space #1022. 也就是说,当约翰把房子卖掉的时候, he finds out after-the-fact that his parking space is now on the 10th floor instead of the 2nd floor. This could have been a deal breaker for John had he been informed this prior to closing because parking to a lot of condo owners in Miami is very important.
  • Many of the condos in Miami and Miami Beach have private valet companies that manage their valet services. 对于这些公寓, owners and tenants generally may pay a flat monthly rate for a valet space for their unit, 与客人支付的进出费分开. This must be negotiated with the valet company who manages the respective building directly.


  • Always check a condo association’s rules regarding the pet policy before you make an offer. A building that allows pets for owners does 不 necessarily allow pets for tenants. Whether you are an owner or a tenant, you should call the condo association for the exact pet policy. 这里是一个列表 公寓协会电话.


  • Many units purchased pre-construction from a developer, are delivered “decorator-ready.” Decorator-ready generally means that a condo is delivered with a kitchen and bathrooms built out but no flooring, 修剪, 壁橱或窗户. 如果你买了一套装修好的公寓, 准备聘请承包商来安装地板, 修剪, 壁橱, 窗口的治疗方法, 灯光和油漆可能需要60-90天.
  • Many units purchased pre-construction from a developer, are delivered “built-out.Built-out通常指的是一套公寓是带地板的, 装饰和白墙, but you still must hire a contractor to install 窗口的治疗方法 and build custom 壁橱 after closing. 进一步, 如果你买的是真正的预施工, 许多开发商会给你选择地板, kitchen cabinetry and kitchen countertops with optional upgrades that will be delivered finished for you at closing.


Disclaimer: The information contained herein is believed to be accurate information, 但仅供参考,不应依赖.





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